Is therapy right for me?

Is therapy right for me?

People go to therapy for all sorts of different reasons. There is no clear cut path to therapy. You may have experienced something traumatic, gone through a big life change or find yourself struggling in relationships. You may be looking for a place to sort out looming questions or help with struggles that are difficult to handle on your own. There may be things you want to discuss with someone who is outside your close social support group. Maybe a friend, family member or lover spoke those sometimes charged words, "you need to go to therapy". 

The need for professional help can be most apparent when symptoms impair usual feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. 

A few symptoms that can indicate a need for therapy are:

  • Avoiding social interactions or new anxieties in social settings
  • Struggling with life transitions, infidelity, divorce or recent changes
  • A recent trauma or unprocessed trauma from the past that has brought up PTSD symptoms
  • Lack of interest in activities and hobbies that were once enjoyed
  • Having trouble in relationships or repeatedly finding yourself in unhealthy relationships
  • Sleep difficulties, nightmares or recurring dreams
  • Performing worse at school or work
  • Addictions or eating disorders
  • Experiencing anger that is persistent, intense or directed in unhealthy outlets
  • Suffering from depression, anxiety or hopelessness 
  • Having thoughts of hurting yourself or others

The idea of therapy can be scary and bring up questions. If you're considering therapy, it may be worth exploring further. You can start with looking into different therapists in your areas, browsing their sites and asking if they offer phone consultations. I suggest speaking with a few to get a feel for who you are most comfortable with. Therapists have different specialities and ways they practice. Look for someone who is educated and experienced in what you are going through. 

Most importantly, you want a good fit for you. The relationship between client and therapist makes all of the difference when it comes to therapy! Having a place where you feel safe to be open in a nonjudgemental space is where all of the healing happens! You can ask friends for referrals, contact your insurance provider to see who is in network or check out online resources. Make sure the therapist you find is in your state and offers your preference of virtual, phone or in person sessions. 

Here are some places to start your search:

  •  *for EMDR trained therapists

Reminder that results aren't immediate. It'll take consistency, building rapport with your therapist, patience and a commitment to put in the work that you and your therapist discuss. It can be hard but the rewards on the other end of that hard work can be incredibly rewarding! 

If you decide to lean in and give therapy a try, be open with your therapist about concerns, fears and hesitations. They are there to support you through whatever it is you're going through, even if it's the first step of starting therapy! It could be the start of a beautiful new relationship where you feel seen and heard, learn new skills, reflect and are supported through a journey of healing! 

Please feel free to contact me!


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